Eugene Center for Anxiety and Stress of Oregon

Externship Program


Externship Opportunities with Eugene Center for Anxiety and Stress

ECAS has a vibrant training program, made up of externs, masters-level associates, and postdoctoral residents. We are looking for motivated, enthusiastic externs to join our team in either our EBT or Psychological Assessment track. We are currently recruiting for our 2025-2026 cohort year.

Evidence-Based Treatment Track

ECAS is a group practice in Eugene, Oregon founded on two pillars: a commitment to (1) anti-oppression and culturally-inclusive practices; and (2) the scientist-practitioner model, utilizing evidence-based treatments with our clients.

Externship students are offered diverse clinical experiences in treatment of Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD, with a commitment to training in evidence-based treatments (with opportunities for training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy) and cultural humility (focusing on building a multicultural lens).

We are looking for advanced graduate students (with at least two years of clinical training in a doctoral program and a Masters Degree by externship start date) in a Clinical, Counseling, or School Psychology Ph.D./Psy.D. program who are curious and eager to continue growth in their clinical work by developing skills in evidence based treatments (like Exposure and Response Prevention, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) while engaging in multicultural engagement through monthly meetings to develop skills and knowledge and practice self-awareness around areas of privilege and oppression.


The Externship student would provide psychotherapy to adults seeking treatment for anxiety, OCD, and PTSD using evidence-based practices, including but not limited to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Exposure and Response Prevention, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. In addition, an emphasis is placed on case conceptualization that includes multicultural factors and utilizing evidence-based practices in a multiculturally competent manner.


  • Externship students are expected to make a minimum one full calendar year commitment. Two year commitments are preferred.
  • Externs see 10 clients each week.
  • Externship students are expected to attend two weekly ECAS meetings, including extensive training in evidence-based approaches.
  • Externship students will be W-2 employees and be compensated for their time seeing clients. 

Required Qualifications:

  • students should be advanced graduate students with at least two years of providing individual therapy at the graduate level
  • master’s degree at start date of externship
  • some experience providing evidence-based treatment
  • Strong administrative skills (e.g., clinical documentation, schedule management, communication with ECAS staff)

Supervisors:  TBD

Start Date: Three positions opening as of summer of 2025.

Questions about the EBT position? Email our training director,



Psychological Assessment Track

ECAS is a group practice in Eugene, Oregon founded on two pillars: a commitment to (1) anti-oppression and culturally-inclusive practices; and (2) the scientist-practitioner model, utilizing evidence-based treatments with our clients.

Externship students in the Psychological Assessment Track are offered diverse clinical experiences in assessment, with our most common referrals for diagnosis of ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disorders, and psychological clarification. Educational opportunities will focus on our commitment to training in evidence-based assessment methods and cultural humility.

We are looking for advanced graduate students (with at least two years of clinical training in a doctoral program) in a Clinical, Counseling, or School Psychology Ph.D/Psy.D program who are interested in developing skills in psychological assessment while engaging in multicultural engagement through monthly meetings to develop skills and knowledge and practice self-awareness around areas of privilege and oppression.

Externship students at our site would be involved in the psychological testing portion of an evaluation, which includes test administration, scoring, and writing up behavioral observations. Evaluations would be for ADHD, Autism, learning disorders, and cognitive difficulties related to psychological issues for clients across the lifespan.


  • Commitment to the externship position for at least a full calendar year
  • Two full days committed to this placement in person at ECAS, which includes test administration, scoring, and behavioral observations. 
  • You would attend bi-weekly ECAS meetings and monthly assessment consultation meetings.
  • Externship students will be W-2 employees and be compensated for their time seeing clients. 

Required Qualifications: Students should be advanced graduate students with at least two years of clinical experience at the graduate level. Some experience with testing (WAIS, WIAT, PAI, MMPI, etc) preferred.

Supervisors: TBD

Start Date: One position opening as of summer of 2025.


Questions about the psych testing position? Email our assessment director,

Application Process

Application Process:
If you are interested, please submit a letter of interest and your CV as part of your application using the “Apply Now” link for the position you are interested in below. You will be directed to our parent site (UHG) to apply.

DUE DATE: Note that the application deadline has been extended given some hiccups with our job application portal. Applications are due no later than February 23, 2025 for the Summer/Fall 2025 opening. However, applications will be reviewed in the order received, so it is possible that positions may be filled prior to that date.

If the Apply buttons below are active, feel free to apply.  If they are not, please know we are working to make them live. Thanks for your patience!