Eugene Center for Anxiety and Stress of Oregon

Peer Support



Peer Support Specialist

Oriona Turner is your peer support at ECAS during your healing journey. She can help in two areas that are not addressed in therapy but we find are needed for many who seek therapy with our team. These areas are Resource Navigation, and Values Coordination.

Resource Navigation: Resource navigation helps clients connect to community resources that may be hard to navigate and may be impacting your ability to fully participate in therapy and/or impacting anxiety and stress. While helping with resources, Oriona can help with:
  • Basic Needs: Food, Housing, Transportation
  • Connecting to a prescriber
  • Connecting to substance use treatment
  • Connecting to a PCP
  • Connecting to a higher level of care
  • Connecting to vocational rehab
  • Contacts for Childcare/Parenting Resources
  • Specialty therapy & group therapy
  • Pet accommodations & food/supplies
  • Options for Adolescents
  • Safety planning/Safety follow up
  • Disability Services
  • Legal support
  • Education advocacy

Values Coordination: When Oriona is helping with Values Coordination, she can help connect you to groups and activities that you love and are important to your recovery journey but that anxiety and stress has kept you from participating in. She can listen and support you in your therapy work as a companion along the healing journey, as someone to relate to and listen as a peer who has experienced similar struggles. Some examples of values coordination include: 

  • Connecting to areas of recreation
  • Connecting to fitness
  • Connecting to hobbies
  • Connecting to Cultural and Affinity Groups
  • Connecting to wellness resource and alternative medicine
  • Connecting to Sobriety Meetings
  • Connecting to Faith Communities
  • Connecting to Cultural and Affinity Groups

Interested in working with our Peer Support Specialist, Oriona?

Let your therapist or the front desk know! We will take care of the rest.


How often would I meet with the Peer Support Specialist?

Generally, you will meet with Oriona for 6 appointments every other week for about an hour. This is individualized, so if in the first meeting/needs assessment, you discover that you will need more or less appointments, adjustments can be made. You will also discuss the frequency of meetings with your therapist.

Is this service optional?

Yes, these are voluntary service that are meant to help clients connect to resources to meet their goals. You can decline the service or opt out at any time.

How much does it cost?

There are no additional fees for Medicaid clients for resource navigation, as it is a covered service.

For those with commercial insurance and private pay, there is an out-of-pocket fee. The fee would also cover time that the Peer Support Specialist spent identifying resources, contacting referral sources, among other tasks, not just the time spent in a session with you.

Case management, per 15 minutes:  $30.33 
Skills Training, per 15 minutes: $25.75
Peer Support Services, per 15 minutes: $26.49

Can the meetings be virtual?

Yes, both services can be either virtual or in-person appointments.

How is this different from what I am already doing in therapy?

While the answer to this may vary for individual clients, in general, resource navigation and values coordination deals with the practical aspects of meeting long-term goals to improve quality of life while therapy is focused on the more subjective and internal process of facilitating positive changes in mental and behavioral health. Oriona does not diagnose or provide treatment for Mental or Behavioral Health conditions.

Can I work with a Peer Support if I've had an assessment?

Yes! Oriona can help you follow up on the recommendations made by the assessment team, helping to connect you with referrals or activities and help you be successful in the recommendation follow-up.