Eugene Center for Anxiety and Stress of Oregon

Clinical Training 




2024 Scheduled Events

ECAS (Eugene Center For Anxiety & Stress) workshops are always kept small so that small group conversations and real-time questions are possible, which is becoming less likely in a virtual training world.

Training is always led by an enthusiastic and knowledgeable trainer who balances decades of experience with enthusiasm for the latest research. We offer virtual learning for topics such as OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) training, Anxiety Disorders training, PTSD training, Exposure therapy training, LGBTQA+ training, Gender Support Services Training, Transgender Letter Writing, and Cultural Competence Training.

Eugene Center for Anxiety and Stress is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Eugene Center for Anxiety and Stress maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
APA Approved Sponsor Logo

Targeted Trainings

Our continuing education program at Eugene Center for Anxiety and Stress emphasizes disseminating evidence-based practices and multiculturally sensitive care. Our mission is to provide educational opportunities that include (1) advanced training in evidence-based treatment for Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD that includes attention to making interventions multiculturally appropriate, and (2) diversity training opportunities that expand psychologist’s self-knowledge and multicultural competence and orientation.

Our content is created to help participants discuss diversity issues in a nonjudgmental framework to help enhance their self-understanding in a way that honor’s their own background while also helping them better see how their own biases may frame their views of those from diverse backgrounds. In trainings related to evidence-based treatments of anxiety, OCD, and PTSD, we will address how identification with a marginalized group, or chronic experiences of discrimination/racism may lead to different responses to the same interventions. Some popular trainings we offer are:

  • Implicit Bias
  • Microaggressions as Cultural Opportunities
  • Ethical Issues in Multicultural Practice
  • Multiculturally Competent Care: An Experiential Approach
  • Assessment of OCD and Introduction to Exposure and Response Prevention
  • Developing Effective Exposure Exercises for Adult Clients
  • Using the WPATH Standards of Care to Guide Therapy, Assessment, and Letters of Support with Gender Diverse Adults
  • Trauma-informed Debriefing Process

We have worked with many local organizations such as:

  • Eugene Therapy
  • Madrone Mental Health Services
  • The Psychology Department at Oregon State Hospital
  • The Behavioral Health staff at Oregon Department of Corrections
  • Alive Holistic Counseling
  • South Lane Mental Health
  • White Bird Clinic 
  • Benton County Health Department – Behavioral Health Division

Each training includes lecture, small group discussions, and ample time for Q &A. Trainings are available virtually as well as in-person.

Fill out our inquiry form or email today to begin integrating evidence-based modalities intermingled with multicultural diversity and awareness into your practice.

Past Trainings

Microaggressions as Cultural Opportunities. 12/5/2024, 2 CEs, Presented by Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. and Chaunce Windle, Ph.D.

Providing Ethical Care to Gender Diverse Clients. 11/5/2024, 4 CEs, Presented by Chaunce Windle, Ph.D.

Navigating Compassion Fatigue. 10/15/2024, 2 CEs, Presented by Melody George, LCSW

Ethical Implications of Multicultural Practice. 9/24/2024, 2 CEs, Presented by Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. and Shannon Henry, Ph. D.

Experiential Multiculturally Competent Care. 6/20/2024, 2 CEs, Presented by Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. And Chaunce Windle, Ph.D.

Implicit Bias. 5/20/2024, 2 CEs, Presented by Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. and Shannon Henry, Ph.D.

Assessment of OCD and Introduction to Exposure and Response Prevention. 11/10/2023, 4 CEs, Presented by: Dr. Ida Moadab Ph.D.

Multiculturally Competent Care: An Experiential Approach. 6/10/2023, 4 CEs, Presented by: Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. and Shannon Henry, Ph.D.

Developing Effective Exposure Exercises for Adult Clients. 3/10/2023, 4 CEs, Presented by: Ida Moadab, Ph.D.

Microaggressions as Cultural Opportunities. 2/18/2023, 4 CEs, Presented by: Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. and Chaunce Windle, Ph.D.

Using the New WPATH Standards of Care (version 8) to Guide Therapy, Assessment, and Letters of Support with Gender Diverse Adults. 12/09/2022, 3 CEs, Presented by Chaunce Windle, Ph.D.

Ethical Issues in Multicultural Practice. 1/21/2023, 2 CEs. Presented by Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. and Shannon Henry, Ph.D.

Assessment of OCD and Introduction to Exposure and Response Prevention. November 11, 2022. 4 CEs. Ida Moadab, Ph.D.

Microaggressions in Therapy as Cultural Opportunities. April 22, 2022. 4 CEs. Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. and Chaunce Windle, Ph.D.

Evidence-Based Treatment for Anxiety and OCD in Children and Adolescents. November 20, 2021. 3 CEs, Ruth Ellingsen, Ph.D.

Developing Effective Exposure Exercises with Adult Clients with Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD. October 29, 2021. 3 CEs, Ida Moadab, Ph.D.

Multiculturally Competent Care: An Experiential Approach. October 2, 2021. 4 CEs. Presented by Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. & Shannon Henry, Ph.D.

Providing Ethical Care to Gender Diverse Clients, June 11, 2021. 3 CEs. Presented by Chaunce Windle, PhD

Ethical Issues in Multicultural Practice, April 18, 2021. 2 CEs. Presented by Ron Miyaguchi, PhD and Shannon Henry, PhD

Introduction to Exposure Therapy: The Powerful, Evidence-Based Tool for Treatment of Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD. March 20, 2021, 4CEs. Presented by Liviu Bunaciu, Ph.D.

Development of Cultural Humility for Healthcare Professionals: An Ongoing Journey toward Cultural Competence. March 7, 2020, 4 CEs. Presented by Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. and Natasha Crow, LPC-intern

Exposure Therapy for Eating Disorders Training Series. 9/20/2019-11/1/2019,15 CEs. Presented by Chaunce Windle, Ph.D. and Ida Moadab, Ph.D.

Enhancing Multicultural Orientation Through the Development of Clinician Self-Awareness. 6/15/2019, 4 CEs. Presented by Ron Miyaguchi, Ph.D. and Ida Moadab, Ph.D.