Gender Support Services
At ECAS, we welcome people of all gender identities. Our Gender Support Services (GSS) team is committed to creating a welcoming environment for clients across the gender spectrum.
We provide therapeutic support for our specialty areas, in addition to those experiencing gender incongruence or dysphoria, and/or experiencing effects of discrimination and bias based on gender identity. We provide the following services:
Treatment of OCD, Anxiety, and PTSD
Gender Affirming Therapy and Case Management Services
Transition-Related Care and Letters of Support
Some people seek support to explore options for reducing gender incongruence or dysphoria. We know that for most people experiencing incongruence or dysphoria, distress is reduced when gender expression and identity feel aligned. Gender congruence may be achieved through self-understanding/acceptance, social transition, legal transition, and/or medical transition. We offer therapy and case management services to facilitate exploration, navigate transitions, and connect clients with affirming resources in the community.
We also provide assessments and letters of support for those experiencing gender incongruence or dysphoria who are seeking gender affirming hormones or surgical interventions. Using The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care as a guide, our assessments include exploration of gender incongruence/dysphoria, discussion of risks and benefits of hormonal and surgical interventions, and assessment of any relevant mental health concerns. Respect for the autonomy of each person is a core value, and we are committed to creating an environment that is safe and empowering. Our team can provide these letters of support to those ages 15 and older.